Month: July 2023
Longan info
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Facts about dried Longan: Rich of Vitamin C, A and essential in anti-oxidants. Rich of minerals of iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Iron is about 20 times that of grapes and 15 times that of spinach.
Taste & nature: Sweet delicious tonic fruit used by the Chinese as a blood tonic, to build up energy qi, support the qi to spleen, the heart, skin to look healthy & alive.
How to use:
1. snack 3-5/day rejuvenates the complexion and great natural brain nutrition.
2. 8 -10 dates alone or mix with Chinese Red Dates or plus GoQi in same amount, add 5 cup of water to cook to boiling, then simmer for 10 min. then drop some honey after the temperature down to 80, enjoy as a sweet desert soup or just add red sugar.
3. use one cup or less at your taste to cook Gongji the rice soup, meantime you can add wolfberries or and handful of peanuts with skins. Once ready, enjoy and experience the qi traveling through your body. A great easy way of rejuvenating. *** Small dose but consistent use often brings best benefits.
The delicious powerful brain nutrition dried fruit is available to pre-order to get the freshest ready products to add to your joy of rejuvenating your brain. TXT to: 602.507.9681 or email to:
*We are accepting application of regional sales agents. email us or TXT to: 602.507.9681
龙眼有很高的滋 补營養价值, 含蛋白質、鉀、鎂、磷、铁在桂圓肉乾內均高, 几乎含有人体所需要的各種营养素. 另含有類胡蘿蔔素、酒石酸、腺嘌呤、膽鹼。所含糖分為多糖(葡萄糖、蔗糖和果糖)是高熱量食品。
中医本草纲目中认为:龙眼可開胃益脾,补虛長智。龙眼 味甘, 能补中益气,养胃健脾,养血壮神,润心肺,生津液,悦颜色,通九窍,助十二经, 补血, 美容。
补法:1 每日随手食3-5粒 2 体虚或刻意养生壮气可 随需要煲汤喝,配助料效果更好。 助料:花 生果仁 和 或枸杞子
Red Dates
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Facts about red dates: Rich of Vitamin A, B2 and C, on the top list of all fruits. Fresh dates have Vitamin C of 7-10 times of tangerines, 75 times of apples. Rich of 14 types of vital amino acids to human body, 6 types Organic acids, 36 types of trace elements.
Taste & nature: Mild sweet. Nurturing & rejuvenating.
How to use:
1. snack 3-5/day rejuvenates the complexion and result a longevity!
2. 8 -10 dates alone or mix with GoQi or GoQi plus Longan as complimented products in same amount, add 3 cup of water to cook to boiling, then simmer for 10 min. then add drops of honey when the temperature down below 80, enjoy as a desert soup or like tea, smell its aroma and feel its qi traveling through your body. A great fast easy dish any time when the body feels need the extra energy.
The amazing Chinese dates and its complimented GoQi and Longan are available to pre-order to add to your enjoyment for a longevity life. TXT to: 602.507.9681 or email to:
*We are accepting application of regional sales agents. email us or TXT to: 602.507.9681
红枣: 含有多种丰富的维生素A, B2, C,称得百果之冠。鲜红枣中维生素c的含量较柑橘高7~10倍,为苹果的75倍。红枣中还含有益于健康的化学成分如谷氨本酸、赖氨酸、精氨酸等14种氨基酸,苹果酸、酒后酸等6种有机酸,黄酮类化合物及磷、钾、镁、钙、铁等36种微量元素。
中医认为: 大枣性平味甘, 能补中益气,养胃健脾,养血壮神,润心肺,生津液,悦颜色,通九窍,助十二经,解药毒,调和百药, 补血, 美容。
补法:1 每日随手食3-5粒 2 体虚或刻意养生壮气可 随需要煲汤喝,配助料效果更好。 助料:花 生果 和 或枸杞子.
Broad Bean
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Broad Bean also known as Fava Bean. It is said by Chinese medicine doctors that it is one of the best food remedies for healthy heart, bone, brain and organs. We captured the google search main information. You should do your own research. We found broad bean based sauce products are very delicious and precious to heal and enhance our health by using them on our bread and cooked meats or simply add to our salads or as garnish to our main dishes of fish or stakes.The delicious Broad Bean based sauce products are available to pre-order to get the freshest ready products to add to your joy of dining. TXT to: 602.507.9681 or email to:
*We are accepting application of regional sales agents. email us or TXT to: 602.507.9681